Connecting the Device
I don't have one of the sensors I was asked about so I set about connecting my PC to the edge connector of the micro:bit instead, the idea being that I would type data into a serial terminal application like Putty. To make the connection, I used an adapter board which has USB at one end (for my PC) and 4 wires at the other acting as TX, RX, GND and 3.3V. I connected those wires to micro:bit edge connector pins 1, 0, GND and 3.3V respectively.
micro:bit code
My code had to do several things;
- map the serial interface to pins 1 and 0 instead of the usual USB port on the micro:bit
- read comma delimited strings from the serial interface
- convert each string into a number (I performed no validation in my prototype code btw)
- send the data over Bluetooth in the format that Bitty Data Logger would understand. See for more information and for example code.
Here's what the code I wrote ended up looking like, first in JavaScript:
let reading = "" function transmitSensorData() { let pin_shifted = pin << 14; let ev = pin_shifted | analog_value; control.raiseEvent( 9030, ev ) } bluetooth.onBluetoothConnected(() => { basic.showString("C") }) bluetooth.onBluetoothDisconnected(() => { basic.showString("D") }) let pin = 0 let analog_value = 0 basic.showString("OK") serial.redirect( SerialPin.P0, SerialPin.P1, BaudRate.BaudRate115200 ) basic.forever(() => { reading = serial.readUntil(serial.delimiters(Delimiters.Comma)) pin = 1 analog_value = parseInt(reading) basic.showNumber(analog_value) transmitSensorData() })
And in fact, here's the code in full: