Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Bitty Controller 2.2.0

A new version of Bitty Controller was released today. A great start to 2019!

The new version offers a 5th user interface variant which is designed to let you drive a machine of some sort *and* control ancillary features of the machine like LEDs and servos. From the options screen you can enable up to 12 buttons and give each a short text label. These buttons will then appear either side of the main touchpad control.

Pressing a button sends a Bluetooth event with ID=9016 and a value equal to the button number in the range 1 - 12 inclusive.

I transformed a GiggleBot into my very own robot dog and used the new UI to take it for a spin. At times... literally. As you'll see, it's very evident from the enthusiastically wagging tail that robodog is a happy dog :-)

Full source code for a MakeCode project is available from the Bitty Software web site as well as a ready made hex file.

Go on! Have a giggle with Bitty Controller and GiggleBot!

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micro:bit V2 - key information